Tenure Track Assistant Professor at Utah Valley UniversityPh.D. in Computer Science from The University of Memphis
Academic Resume | Industry Resume
May 2021
Research: Cyber Security, Intrusion Detection System, Anomaly Detection, Machine Learning, Interpretable ML, Moving Target Defense, Cloud Computing, Run Time Monitoring System, etc. See Publications
Dec 2016
Research: Collaborative Runtime Monitor as Intrusion Detection System
May 2011
Thesis: Component Criticality Approach towards Minimizing the Risks of System Failure.
Courses: Fundamental of Programming, Object Oriented Python, Web Programming I, Security Vulnerability Analysis, etc.
Courses: Web Application Security, Contemporary Programming Languages, Computer Science I
Courses: Digital Forensics, Network Security, Principle of Information Assurance
Project: Java add on applications for Samsung feature phones
Projects: Web applications, Web solutions, eCommerce, Management solutions
Still, I am an active member of GTCS Lab under the supervison of Dr. Sajjan Shiva. I also work with my other two co-supervisors Dr. Federick T. Sheldon and Dr. Deepak Venugopal in multiple research works. I establish a research group Cyber Security and Machine Learning (CSML) and working on several projects. My reserach interests include but are not limited to, Interpretable Machine Learning, Cyber Security, Intrusion Detection System, Anomaly Detection, Machine Learning, Moving Target Defense, Cloud Computing, Run Time Monitoring System, etc.
I am an active member of several technical committees including IEEE, Elsevier, ACM, etc. societies. My details list of reviews can be found in Publons
This is how they evaluated me...
Saikat has a large array of skills in code writing. He worked on our ecommerce website as well as a separate project written in Ruby on Rails. He also keeps a very good attitude at the office. I highly recommend Saikat. More...
Mr. Saikat Das is a quick learner and has a sense of professionalism. He worked with me at Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh. During his tenure at Samsung, He worked on Java based apps(Facebook, yahoo, google) for feature phone devices of Samsung. I found him active and sincere in his work. More...
Mr. Saikat Das was one of my colleagues and sometimes he reported to me. So far I found him energetic and enthusiastic to learn new technologies as well as meeting project deadlines. He worked on an eCommerce website alone on early age of his carrier which seems to me that he will be a good project manager and easy going person who is capable to work any environment. I worked with him on many projects and found him knowledgeable on web development sector. I recommend him to any employer for interpersonal skill and positive motivation. I wish his better future. More...
Mr. Das is hard working and sincere. He has skills that he is eager to share, but he is just as eager to learn. He was in the habit of seeking clarifications with different perspectives. I believe that his zeal and devotion to learn new things will surely lead him to be successful in future advanced research works. More...
Self motivation, adaptive interpersonal skill, proficient professional development skill, teaching and research experience.
My story begins from a small village "Badarganj", Rangpur, Bangladesh where the people are living under proverty level. I'm born and brought up there. I completed my elementary and seconday school as a top scorer. Notre Dame is one of the prestigious colleges in Bangladesh where I have completed my higher education. Then, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology is one of my heaven places that guided me to confident on my technical skills and I graduated as a Computer Engineer in 2011. My self motivation and adaptive development skill at Samsung Electronics guided me towards the higher education in USA. Towards pusuing my Ph.D degree at The University of Memphis, I have completed my Masters of Science degree from here. Currently, I am working on my dissertation and planning to graduate by December 2020. In between my graduate study, I worked (2018-2019) as a fulltime faculty member for Southwest Tennessee Community College to enhance the Cyber Defense program. My testimonal, professional expertise and self guided motivation lead me to my ultimate desired place where I feel a pure serenity of living. I love playing Badminton, Cricket and doing Photography, Traveling is my dream. I wish, one day I will share my travel history and biography.
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